A New Class of White Noise Generalized Functions
The S-transform is studied as a mapping from a space of tensors to a space of functions over a complex space. The range of this transform is characterized in terms of analyticity and growth. These results are applied to a broad class of generalized functions in white noise analysis. These correspond to completions of the Gaussian L2-space which preserve orthogonality of Hermite polynomials. The S-transform is defined for the new generalized functions, and the range of this S-transform is identified in terms of analyticity and growth. Examples of the new spaces of generalized functions are given; these include distributions considered by Kondratiev and Streit, as well as new classes of distributions whose S-transforms have growth bounded by iterated exponentials.
Research supported in part by U.S. Army Research Office #DAAH04-94-G-0249. Research by A.S. is also supported by NSF Grant DMS 9400961.