An International Campaign for Agricultural and Livestock Genomics (CALG)
A coordinated international effort to sequence agricultural and livestock genomes has come to its time. While human genome and genomes of many model organisms (related to human health and basic biological interests) have been sequenced or plugged in the sequencing pipelines, agronomically important crop and livestock genomes have not been given high enough priority.
Although we are facing many challenges in policy-making, grant funding, regional task emphasis, research community consensus and technology innovations, many initiatives are being announced and formulated based on the cost-effective and large-scale sequencing procedure, known as whole genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing that produces draft sequences covering a genome from 95 percent to 99 percent.
Identified genes from such draft sequences, coupled with other resources, such as molecular markers, large-insert clones and cDNA sequences, provide ample information and tools to further our knowledge in agricultural and environmental biology in the genome era that just comes to its accelerated period.
If the campaign succeeds, molecular biologists, geneticists and field biologists from all countries, rich or poor, would be brought to the same starting point and expect another astronomical increase of basic genomic information, ready to convert effectively into knowledge that will ultimately change our lives and environment into a greater and better future. We call upon national and international governmental agencies and organizations as well as research foundations to support this unprecedented movement.