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Operational Modal Analysis and Bayesian Model Updating of a Coupled Building by:10 (Source: Crossref)
    This article is part of the issue:

    This paper reports the step-by-step procedures of a full-scale ambient vibration test and the corresponding modal identification and Bayesian structural model updating of a coupled building. The building is characterized as a combination of a main part and a complementary part connected together by corridors in between. Compared with the main part, the volume of the complementary part is much smaller. Therefore, the influence on the dynamic properties of the complementary part from its counterpart is expected. To capture the dynamic properties of the coupled building, a 21-setup ambient vibration test was designed to cover all the degrees of freedom (DOFs) of interest. The modal parameters of each setup were identified following the frequency domain decomposition (FDD) method and the partial mode shapes from different setups were assembled following a least-squares method. To determine the stiffness of the linkage between the two parts, the coupled building was simulated with two linked shear buildings and updated utilizing the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)-based Bayesian model updating method. The identified modal parameters revealed interesting features about the coupled effects between the main part and complementary part and were discussed in detail. The good match between the model-predicted and identified modal parameters verified the validity of proposed shear building model. This study provides valuable experience in the area of structural model updating and structural health monitoring.

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