Nonlinear Postbuckling of Auxetic-Core Sandwich Toroidal Shell Segments with CNT-Reinforced Face Sheets Under External Pressure
Nonlinear buckling analysis for honeycomb auxetic-core sandwich toroidal shell segments with CNT-reinforced face sheets surrounded by elastic foundations under the radial pressure is presented in this study. The basic equation system of shells is established based on the von Kármán–Donnell nonlinear shell theory, combined with Stein and McElman approximation. Meanwhile, the foundation-shell elastic interaction is simulated by the foundation model based on the Pasternak assumption. The Galerkin procedure is utilized to achieve the pre-buckling and post-buckling responses for the shell, from which the radially critical buckling load is determined. Numerical analysis shows the various influences of auxetic-core layer, CNT-reinforced face sheets, and elastic foundation on the pre-buckling and postbuckling behavior of sandwich shells with CNT reinforced face sheets.
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