Fiber–Based Model for Simulating Inelastic Interaction Buckling of Rectangular CFST Slender Columns with Unequal Wall Thickness
Rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular (RCFST) columns can be designed to have unequal wall thickness to maximize their resistance to combined axial and uniaxial bending loads. However, there is very little published research on their local–global interaction buckling behavior. This paper presents an efficient fiber-based simulation model for analyzing the inelastic interaction buckling of eccentrically loaded RCFST slender columns with unequal wall thickness. The model considers the progressive local–global interaction buckling, distributed plasticity, concrete cracking and crushing, second-order effects, and geometric imperfections. The mathematical model is programmed to compute not only the axial load–displacement responses but also the interaction curves of axial load and moment of slender RCFST columns. The simulation modeling is validated by experimentally measured data. The validated computer model is used to parametrically study the interaction local–global buckling responses of RCFST columns while the range analysis is conducted to identify the relative significance of key parameters. It is demonstrated that the proposed computer model accurately simulates experimentally measured responses. Hence, it can be used with confidence in practice to analyze and design RCFST slender columns fabricated with steel plates of unequal thickness. The existing design standard AS/NZS 2327:2017 provides acceptable strength predictions of RCFST slender columns and beam-columns while the procedure specified in Eurocode 4 overestimates their capacities.
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