Analysis of Torsional Vibration in a Fractured Poroelastic Half-Space Coated with Metal Foam and Sliding Interfaces
Metal foams are highly useful in industries because of their lightweight, energy and vibration absorption properties. This study investigated the propagation of torsional waves in an elastic layer over a fluid-saturated fractured poroelastic half-space with a metal foam coated layer. It is assumed that the interfaces are in sliding contact with two different sliding parameters. The coated layer is closed-cell aluminium foam. We use the separation variable technique and the Bessel function to solve the equation of motion in different layers. The displacement components are written in terms of the second kind Whittaker functions. Using an asymptotic formulation of the Whittaker function and appropriate boundary conditions, the dispersion equation is derived in terms of the determinant. The control of the vibration due to the metal foam-coated layer is one of the important goals of this study. Also, numerical and graphical analyses have been done with the help of Mathematica software to see the effect of different parameters on torsional wave propagation. It is found that the presence of coated metal foam layer decreases the phase velocity of the torsional wave propagation. The work may be helpful in the seismology, automobile, and aerospace industries.
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