Derived categories of functors and quiver sheaves
Let ๐ be small category and ๐ an arbitrary category. Consider the category ๐(๐) whose objects are functors from ๐ to ๐ and whose morphisms are natural transformations. Let โฌ be another category, and again, consider the category ๐(โฌ). Now, given a functor F:๐โโฌ we construct the induced functor F๐:๐(๐)โ๐(โฌ). Assuming ๐ and โฌ to be abelian categories, it follows that the categories ๐(๐) and ๐(โฌ) are also abelian. We have two main goals: first, to find a relationship between the derived category D(๐(๐)) and the category ๐(D(๐)); second relate the functors R(F๐) and (RF)๐:๐(D(๐))โ๐(D(โฌ)). We apply the general results obtained to the special case of quiver sheaves.
Communicated by V. Futorny