The aim of this study was to understand how to process Yoga headstand and the difference between genders in headstand. Twelve skilled participates were recruited in this study (Males 34.1 3.3 years, ; Females 36.5 3.9 years, ). The 10 camera Vicon motion capture system, Kistler force plate, and Medilogic pressure mat were used synchronously to record the movement, ground reaction force, and pressure distribution during headstand. The Mann–Whitney U test and Friedman test () was applied to assess the statistics. The trunk, hip, knee, and ankle joint angles were , , , and , respectively, in all subjects. The pressure distribution was 38 19%, 29 12%, and 33 9% on subjects’ heads, right elbows, and left elbows, respectively. The COP trajectory was 31.2 17.4cm and surface area was 5.3 1.4cm2. No significant differences were found in joint angles, overall force distribution, and COP trajectory and surface area between genders. Both males and females distribute body weight to the supports of head and elbows equally and kept the body straight and erect on the ground during Yoga headstand.