Reflective Structural Color Tunability of Inorganic Electrochromic Devices by Interferometric Modulation
In the multicolor regulation of visible-light band, the inorganic electrochromic multicolor modulation has always been the bottleneck of expanding the application of inorganic electrochromic reflection display. An electrochromic device (ECD) based on an ultracompact unsymmetric Fabry–Perot resonator was designed. Electrochromic oxides such as tungsten oxide, offer the possibility to tune their refractive index and extinction coefficient upon ion insertion, allowing active control over resonance conditions for Fabry–Perot cavity-type devices. The spectrum colors of red, yellow, green and blue can be obtained by adjusting the thickness of tungsten oxide in the W/(WO3−x⋅nH2O) electrode. The optical constants of tungsten oxide can be adjusted reversibly by using electrochemical ion insertion/stripping, and the reflection peak of W/(WO3−x⋅nH2O) electrode in the visible-light band can be adjusted. The dynamic color control of the ECDs can be achieved finely.