Special multiply Einstein warped products with an affine connection
The aim of this paper is to study special multiply Einstein warped products having an affine connection. Let M=I×f1F1×⋯×fmFm be a multiply warped product such that I⊂ℝ is an open interval, dimI=1,fi:I→(0,∞),fi∈𝒞∞(I),dimFi=ki≥1 for every i∈{1,…,m},m≥1,dimM=¯n=1+∑mi=1ki and ¯∇ an affine connection on M. We compute the warping functions that make M an Einstein space in the following cases:
(a) | ¯∇ is a semi-symmetric metric/non-metric connection and all the fibers are Ricci flat. | ||||
(b) | ¯∇ is a quarter-symmetric metric/non-metric connection and all the fibers are Ricci flat. |