CMVFTA: Optimal regression and deep maxout with optimization algorithm for pan-sharpening
Pan-sharpening is a procedure to fuse the spatial detail of high-resolution multispectral images (HR-MSI) and low-resolution hyperspectral images (LR-HSI) to produce HR-MSI. Due to increase in high-resolution satellites, methods based on pan-sharpening are increasingly utilized all over the world. However, the majority of techniques consider pan-sharpening as a major issue, which hinders the discriminative ability. This work proposes an optimization-based deep model for pan-sharpening using LR-HSI and HR-MSI. Initially, the LR-HSI is input into an up-sampling mode, and the resulting image is fed into weighted linear regression. Concurrently, HR-MSI is supplied into weighted linear regression. Weighted linear regression is used to combine the upsampled LR-HSI and HR-MSI. The HR-MSI is then sent into the Deep Maxout network (DMN), which learns the priors via residual learning. Furthermore, the suggested Competitive Multi-Verse Feedback Artificial Tree (CMVFTA) strategy is used for DMN training, which is constructed by combining the Competitive Multi-Verse Optimizer (CMVO) and Feedback Artificial Tree (FAT) approaches. Finally, the DMN, LR-HSI, and HR-MSI outputs are merged together to provide a pan-sharpening image. The proposed CMVFTA-based DMN offered enhanced performance with Degree of Distortion (DD) of 0.0402 dB, Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of 49.60 dB, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of 0.330, Relative Average Spectral Error (RASE) of 0.322, Filtered Correlation Coefficients (FCC) of 0.874, Quality with no reference (QNR) of 76.19.