Interacting modified Chaplygin gas in f(T) gravity framework and analysis of its stability against gravitational perturbation
In this work, we investigate the cosmological application of modified Chaplygin gas (MCG) interacting with pressureless dark matter (DM) in the f(T) modified gravity framework, where T is the torsion scalar in teleparallelism. The interaction term has been chosen proportional to the MCG density with positive coupling constant. In the Einstein general relativity (GR) framework, the interacting MCG has been found to have equation of state (EoS) parameter behaving like quintessence. However, the f(T) gravity reconstructed via the interacting MCG has been found to have EoS crossing the phantom boundary of −1. Thus, one can generate a quintom-like EoS from an interacting MCG model in flat universe in the modified gravity cosmology framework. The reconstructed f(T) model has been found to interpolate between dust and ΛCDM. Stability of the reconstructed f(T) has been investigated and it has been observed that the model is stable against gravitational perturbation. Cosmological evolution of primordial perturbations has also been investigated and the self-interacting potential has been found to increase with cosmic time and the squared speed of sound has been found to be non-negative.