Generalized ghost dark energy in DGP model
In 2000, Dvali et al. [4-D gravity on a brane in 5-D Minkowski space, Phys. Lett. B485 (2000) 208–214] proposed a new braneworld model named as DGP model, having two branches with (𝜖=±1)(ϵ=±1). Former one (𝜖=+1)(ϵ=+1) known as accelerating branch, which explains accelerating phase of the Universe without adding cosmological constant or Dark energy (DE), whereas later one (𝜖=−1)(ϵ=−1) represents the decelerating branch. Here, we have investigated the behavior of Generalized Ghost Dark Energy (GGDE) under the decelerating branch of DGP model. We have studied the importance of GGDE model to explain the current phase of the Universe. To check the validity of the present model, we study the behavior of different cosmological parameters such as Hubble parameter, equation of state (EoS) parameter and deceleration parameter with respect to scale factor. Then, we have analyzed the ωD−́ωDωD−ˊωD to confirm no freezing region of this study and point out thawing region. Furthermore, we have checked the gradient of stability by calculating the squared sound speed. Then, we extend our study to check the viability of this model under investigation through the analysis of statefinder diagnosis parameters for the present cosmological setup.