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  • articleNo Access


    Internal waves in shallow-water cause variations in sound speed profiles and lead to acoustic travel-time perturbations. In summer 2007, a combined acoustics/physical oceanography experiment was performed to study both the acoustical properties and the ocean dynamics of the Yellow Sea. The internal waves were recorded by the thermistor arrays. The receiving hydrophone array is enabled to monitor the acoustic travel-time fluctuations over the internal wave activities. It is shown that the activity of high frequency internal waves (having 3–6 min period) dominated the travel time perturbation. In this paper, we compare the data of high frequency internal wave with acoustic travel-time perturbation data and analyze the correlation between them. A simple relation between the modal travel-time perturbation and the displacement of the thermocline is developed which might be useful for monitoring purposes.

  • articleNo Access

    Denoising Underwater Acoustic Signals for Applications in Acoustical Oceanography

    A method for denoising underwater acoustic signals used in applications of acoustical oceanography is presented. The method has been introduced for imaging denoising and has been modified to be applied with acoustic signals. The method keeps the energy significant part of the raw signal and reduces the effects of noise by comparing overlapping signal windows and keeping components which resemble true signal energy. It is shown by means of characteristic experiments in connection with a statistical signal characterization scheme based on wavelet transform, that using the statistical features of the wavelet sub-band coefficients of the denoised signal, tomography or geoacoustic inversions lead to a reliable estimation of the parameters of a marine environment.

  • articleNo Access

    Statistical Characterization of Acoustic Signals Using 1D Wavelet Transforms with Applications in Acoustical Oceanography

    The paper summarizes the research carried out at the University of Crete and the Foundation for Research and Technology-HELLAS aiming at the statistical characterization of underwater acoustic signals and their subsequent use for geoacoustic inversions and applications in ocean acoustic tomography. In these applications, an acoustic signal recorded in the marine environment due to some source is used as the carrier of information on the physical parameters of the environment. Statistical characterization of acoustic signals is a pre-processing technique aiming at the definition of signal observables, to be used as input data of appropriately defined inverse problems aiming at the estimation of critical parameters of the marine environment. The statistical characterization scheme was introduced as a way to define signal observables especially in cases that typical observables such as ray arrivals or modal arrivals cannot be identified in the recorded signals. Moreover, the setting of the associated inverse problem requires just a single recording device, which renders its application practically and relatively cheap in comparison with signal inversion methods requiring reception at an array of hydrophones. The characterization scheme is based on a wavelet transform of the signal at various levels, followed by the statistical description of the wavelet sub-band coefficients. It is shown that A-stable symmetric distributions are capable of defining the statistics of these coefficients, the characteristic parameters of which are the observables of the signal to be exploited for the inversions. As the inverse problems associated with the sought applications are formulated as optimization processes, an objective function to be used as a similarity measure is defined, which in the case of the statistical characterization method is the Kullback–Leibrer Divergence (KLD), capable of comparing probability density functions. The inversion processes are performed by means of neural networks or genetic algorithms, and the performance of the combined signal characterization and inversion method has been tested with simulated and real data. It is shown, that the method works well especially with noise-free or denoised signals.

  • articleOpen Access

    Selected Topics of the Past Thirty Years in Ocean Acoustics

    This paper reviews some of the highlights of selected topics in ocean acoustics during the thirty years that have passed since the founding of the Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics. Advances in computational methods and computers helped to make computational ocean acoustics a vibrant area of research during that period. The parabolic equation method provides an unrivaled combination of accuracy and efficiency for propagation problems in which the bathymetry, sound speed, and other environmental parameters vary in the horizontal directions. The extension of this approach to cases involving layers that support shear waves has been an active area of research throughout the thirty year period. Interest in basin-scale and global-scale propagation was stimulated by the Heard Island Feasibility Test for monitoring climate change in terms of changes in travel time that occur as the temperature of the ocean rises. Diminishing ice cover in the Arctic, which is one of the consequences of climate change, has stimulated renewed interest in Arctic acoustics during the past decade. Reverberation is a challenging problem that was the topic of a major research program during the beginning of the thirty year period. An innovative approach for making it feasible to solve such problems was applied to data for reverberation from the seafloor and from schools of fish, and some of the findings were featured in Science and Nature. Source localization is one of the core problems in ocean acoustics. When applied on a 2-D array of receivers, an approach based on the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix is capable of separating the signals from different sources from each other, determining when this partitioning step is successful, and tracking sources that cross each other in bearing; one of the advantages of this approach is that it does not require environmental information or solutions of the wave equation. Geoacoustic inversion for estimating the layer structure, wave speeds, density, and other parameters of ocean bottoms has also been a topic of interest throughout the thirty year period.