Singular gauge transformations in geometrodynamics
The new tetrads introduced previously for non-null electromagnetic fields in Einstein–Maxwell spacetimes enable a direct link to the local electromagnetic gauge group of transformations. Due to the peculiar elements in the construction of these new tetrads, a direct connection can be established between the local group of electromagnetic gauge transformations and local groups of tetrad transformations on two different local and orthogonal planes of eigenvectors of the Einstein–Maxwell stress–energy tensor. These tetrad vectors are gauge dependent. It is an interesting and relevant problem to study if there are local gauge transformations that can map on the timelike-spacelike plane, the timelike and the spacelike vectors into the intersection of the local light cone and the plane itself. How many of these local gauge transformations exist and how the mathematics and the geometry of these particular transformations play out. These local gauge transformations would be singular and it is important to identify them.
Former Professor at Universidad de la República, Av. 18 de Julio 1824–1850, 11200 Montevideo, Uruguay.