A flat FLRW dark energy model in f(Q,C)-gravity theory with observational constraints
In the recently suggested modified non-metricity gravity theory with boundary term in a flat FLRW spacetime universe, dark energy scenarios of cosmological models are examined in this study. An arbitrary function, f(Q,C)=Q+αC2, has been taken into consideration, where Q is the non-metricity scalar, C is the boundary term denoted by C=¨R−Q, and α is the model parameter, for the action that is quadratic in C. The Hubble function H(z)=H0[c1(1+z)n+c2]12, where H0 is the current value of the Hubble constant and n,c1 and c2 are arbitrary parameters with c1+c2=1, has been used to examine the dark energy characteristics of the model. We discovered a transit phase expanding universe model that is both decelerated in the past and accelerated in the present, and we discovered that the dark energy equation of state (EoS) ω(de) behaves as (−1≤ω(de)<2). The Om diagnostic analysis reveals the quintessence behavior in the present and the cosmological constant scenario in the late-time universe. Finally, we calculated the universe’s current age, which was found to be quite similar to recent data.