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Special Issue on the International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (Selected Papers from ISDA 2009); Guest Editors: H. Bustince (Public Univ. of Navarra, Spain) and B. Lazzerini (Univ. of Pisa, Italy)No Access


    Important soccer tournaments like the World Cup and the European Cup are broadcast to billions of people across the world. Therefore, advertising through billboards surrounding the playing arena in a soccer match is very attractive for promoting the brand image of a company. Analysis of strength and weakness of such an advertisement is helpful for the sponsors since a lot of money is spent on it and due to its potential impact on a large number of viewers at the same time. In this paper, we present a two-stage fuzzy system for analyzing the visual impact of advertisement billboards in soccer telecasts. In the first stage, visual impact of each shot is evaluated. Two parameters, namely, size and duration, of the billboards are considered in the fuzzy rules. After the shot level analysis, results are combined in the second stage to derive an overall visual impact. In both the stages, parameters of the fuzzy set membership functions are tuned using the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. The results have been compared against a user survey.

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