Modified Chaotic Bat Algorithm Based Counter Propagation Neural Network for Uncertain Nonlinear Discrete Time System
Weight and bias connection are important features of neural networks, which is still challenging for researchers. In this work, we focus on initial weights and bias connection of counter propagation network (CPN) using modified chaotic bat algorithm (MCBA) i.e., MCBA-CPN for uncertain nonlinear systems and compare it with CPN using chaotic bat algorithm (CBA) i.e., CBA-CPN. Chaotic function is used for pulse frequency of bats in MCBA. We have implemented CBA and MCBA, which are based on the consideration of the global solution in the sound intensity adjustment. MCBA-CPN is applied on different uncertain nonlinear systems and Mackey–Glass time series data to test the concert in terms of prediction accuracy. Proposed method is validated through statistical testing like chi-square and tt-test demonstrate that the difference between target and output of proposed method are acceptable. Finally, MCBA-CPN is applied to a real world problem for prediction of milk production data.
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