Effect of Interfacial Properties on the Mechanical Behavior of Bone-Like Materials: A Numerical Study
Interfacial behavior in the microstructure and the plastic deformation in the protein matrix influence the overall mechanical properties of biological hard tissues. A cohesive finite element model has been developed to investigate the inelastic mechanical properties of bone-like biocomposites consisting of hard mineral crystals embedded in soft biopolymer matrix. In this study, the complex interaction between plastic dissipation in the matrix and bonding properties of the interface between minerals and matrix is revealed, and the effect of such interaction on the toughening of bone-like biocomposites is identified. For the case of strong and intermediate interfaces, the toughness of biocomposites is controlled by the post yield behavior of biopolymer; the matrix with low strain hardening can undergo significant plastic deformation, thereby promoting enhanced fracture toughness of biocomposites. For the case of weak interfaces, the toughness of biocomposites is governed by the bonding property of the interface, and the post-yield behavior of biopolymer shows negligible effect on the toughness. The findings of this study help to direct the path for designing bioinspired materials with superior mechanical properties.