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Finite Element-Based Stochastic Nonlinear Progressive Failure Response of Piezo-Laminated Composite Plate with Elliptical Cutouts by:11 (Source: Crossref)

    This paper presents the second-order statistics of hygro-thermo-electrically-induced progressive failure in terms of first-ply failure load (FPFL) and last-ply failure load (LPFL) analysis for laminated composite material plate (LCMP) under out of plane mechanical loading with random system properties. Basic governing equation of nonlinear progressive failure analysis is based on shear deformation theory (higher order) with von-Karman nonlinear kinematics using Newton’s Raphson approach through Tsai–Wu failure criteria. The random input variables are assumed as uncorrelated type and are evaluated using second-order perturbation method (SOPT). Laminated composite plate with elliptical cutouts are subjected to uniformly distributed, point and hydrostatic load. The effect of boundary conditions, temperature variation, moisture content and voltage variations by utilizing piezoelectric layer position and various cutout shapes on the mean and corresponding covariance (COV) of FPFL and LPFL load are evaluated. Convergence of numerical analysis is performed, and results are validated with those available in literatures to check the efficiency of present methodology. It is observed that the presence of elliptical hole always causes an increase in the failure load of plates subjected to bending, even further increase for LPFL due to the reduction of stresses.

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