Surface and Interface Engineering Enhanced Photodetector Based on Mo2C-C/Sb2S3 Composites
Surface and interface engineering have shown broad application prospect in energy conversion. Mo2C-C/Sb2S3 composites have been synthesized by coupling Mo2C-C composites and Sb2S3 nanowires with coupling agent. The performance of the devices has been investigated. Under irradiation by light source, the device showed better electrical contact, fast response speed (rise time 0.135s, decay time 0.132s) and larger on/off ratio (1.5×102) than the device which assembled by mechanical mixing (1×102) and pure Sb2S3 nanowires (47), respectively. The performance has been enhanced by modifying the surface and interface of materials. This approach provides a new idea to enhance the high-performance photodetectors and other inventive optoelectronic devices.