Groups whose bipartite divisor graph for character degrees has four or fewer vertices
Let G be a finite group and cd∗(G) be the set of nonlinear irreducible character degrees of G. Suppose that ρ(G) is the set of primes dividing some elements of cd∗(G). The bipartite divisor graph for cd∗(G), B(G), is a graph whose vertices are the disjoint union of ρ(G) and cd∗(G), and a vertex p∈ρ(G) is connected to a vertex a∈cd∗(G) if and only if p|a. In this paper, we consider groups whose graph has four or fewer vertices. We show that all these groups are solvable and determine the structure of these groups. We also provide examples of any possible graph.
Communicated by A. F. Vasil’ev