A graph associated with the set of all nonzero annihilating ideals of a commutative ring
Let R be a commutative ring with identity which is not an integral domain. An ideal I of a ring R is called an annihilating ideal if there exists r ∈ R\{0} such that Ir = (0). In this paper, we consider a simple undirected graph associated with R denoted by Ω(R) whose vertex set equals the set of all nonzero annihilating ideals of R and two distinct vertices I, J in this graph are joined by an edge if and only if I + J is also an annihilating ideal of R. In this paper, for any ring R which is not an integral domain, the problem of when Ω(R) is connected is discussed and if Ω(R) is connected, then it is shown that diam(Ω(R)) ≤ 2. Moreover, it is verified that gr(Ω(R)) ∈ {3, ∞}. Furthermore, rings R such that ω(Ω(R)) < ∞ are characterized.