Miniaturized Traveling-Wave Thermoacoustic Refrigerator Driven by Loudspeaker: Numerical Design
Ordinary refrigeration systems such as vapor-compression refrigerators are the commonly used devices in industry, mostly for their high efficiencies. However, they make a significant contribution to the depletion of Ozone and global warming due to their operational refrigerants. Hence, thermoacoustic refrigeration can be a great alternative candidate which uses inert gases such as air, helium and nitrogen as the primary refrigerant. Thermoacoustic refrigerators convert the acoustic power (sound waves) into a thermal effect (cooling power). Thermoacoustics can be counted as a new technology that has a strong potential toward the development of the thermal applications. This study aims to design and fabricate miniaturized traveling wave thermoacoustic refrigerator which can be driven by an ordinary loudspeaker. The optimized numerical design of the refrigerator shows an overall efficiency (cooling power over input electricity) of nearly 66% at a temperature difference of 25K (between cold and ambient heat exchangers). The maximum estimated cooling power is 65W at coefficient of performance (COP) of 2.65.