Standard model measurements with ATLAS (CMS) detector(s)
We present a broad range of Standard Model measurements performed in proton-proton collisions at the LHC on a variety of topics jets production and ratios, the electroweak multi-boson production, heavy flavor decay production, jet production, photon physics, the Standard Model soft QCD and diffractive physics. The latest public results from ATLAS experiment are obtained at the center-of-mass energy of both 7 TeV and 8 TeV, which covers total cross sections, fiducial cross sections, differential cross sections wherever available and comparison with Leading-Order/Next-to-Leading-Order/Next-to-Next-to-Leading-Order theory predictions. These measurements provide important tests for perturbative QCD, electroweak multi-boson interactions, Electroweak Symmetry Breaking over a broad kinematic range and constraints for PDFs. Model-independent new physics searches are also performed by probing anomalous gauge bosons couplings using effective Lagrangian or effective field theory formalism.