Lipofibromatous Hamartoma of the Median and Ulnar Nerves at the Ipsilateral Wrist
Lipofibromatous hamartoma (LFH) is a rare condition of the peripheral nerves that typically affects the median nerve. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of LFH of both, the median and ulnar nerves, at the wrist of a 63-year-old female patient. The patient presented to our hospital with a 40-year history of pain, numbness, and dysesthesia affecting all fingers of her left hand. Atrophy of the thenar muscles and the first dorsal interosseous was observed upon physical examination. Imaging studies and a surgery revealed that the patient's median and ulnar nerves were significantly enlarged, confirming the LFH diagnosis. The patient's dysesthesia and numbness improved after Carpal tunnel and Guyon canal release, and her pinch ability improved after opponensplasty. LFH has been known to be solitary, typically affecting median nerve, but it must be noted that the tumor may affect multiple nerves like in our case.