Olecranon Fracture through Persistent Olecranon Apophysis in a 21-Year-Old Male: A Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature
Traumatic fractures involving an ununited olecranon apophysis in adults have been rarely documented in the literature. We present the case of a 21-year-old male wrestler with an elbow injury after a fall. Imaging revealed an acute fracture of the olecranon with sclerotic rounded edges indicating an injury through a persistent olecranon apophysis. Open reduction and internal fixation was performed with plate fixation and bone grafting with radiographic and clinical healing at 6 weeks. Review of the literature revealed 5 case reports showing high rates of non-union with tension band constructs while plate and screw fixation had no incidence of nonunion. Fractures through an ununited olecranon apophysis are successfully treated with plate and screw fixation with bone grafting.