Intra-medullary Cannulated Headless Compression Screw for Bone Graft Fixation in Metacarpal Fractures
High energy metacarpal fracture presenting with critical bone loss requires bone graft and hardware stabilisation. Early bone grafting and rigid internal fixation allow expedited patient recovery. Plate fixation is the most described technique when an autologous bone graft is being used. In this report, we present an alternative technique to secure bone grafts to metacarpal shafts with intra-medullary headless compression screws (HCS). In the presented patient, significant bone defects of the fourth and fifth metacarpals were bridged using iliac crest cortico-cancellous bone grafts and fixed with HCS. This method of fixation allowed controlled early active mobilisation. Bone graft incorporation and excellent active range of motion were demonstrated.
Level of Evidence: Level V (Therapeutic)