Theoretical Framework About Relational Capability on Inter-Organizational Cooperation
The inter-organizational cooperation (IOC) is based on the use of consensual ways to seek a common goal. It requires a strategic vision of organizations to enable purchases and allocate resources to improve the performance and create learning. In addition, IOC may be able to pool resources, skills and values looking for maintaining competitiveness. The organizations must develop ‘Relational Capabilities’ (RC) for their cooperative success. Such skills are learning, involving structural interaction, development of specific assets and cooperative behavior. Authors present a typology of dimensions and characteristics to understanding the construct. From these aspects, the research proposes a theoretical framework for understanding and allowing the assessment of the RC construct, in the IOC. To elaborate it, the studies mentioned above were regrouped by similarities, in the pursuit of joint and complementary, to develop a new framework of components from the dimensions proposed. The results were five dimensions: coordination, cultural, knowledge, technology and coadaptation, which were formed by components. It is possible to believe that the evaluation of RC in inter-organizational relationships can identify factors that influence the success of alliances that should be improved or developed by empirical disclosure of the results. Therefore, the partnership objectives are met as full as possible.