Estimating the Location of Acoustic Sources with Oceanic Internal Gravity Waves via Frequency-Difference Source Localization
Frequency-difference source localization (FDSL) is a relatively new method for locating sources emitting acoustic or electromagnetic waves from recorded data. Estimates of location are produced by matching a nonlinear function of the received data with the same nonlinear function of modeled data. This so-called matched-field approach depends on the accuracy of the modeled field. FDSL exhibits less sensitivity to model errors in some cases of interest. Fluctuations of the speed of sound in the ocean are affected by a wide variety of phenomena and internal gravity waves is one where their spectrum is usually well known. There is no analytical theory for predicting how these fluctuations of sound speed affect the accuracy of FDSL, leaving a numerical evaluation as the alternative for the focus of this paper. Experimental application of FDSL was previously made for an acoustic source of 100 Hz bandwidth surrounding 250 Hz for a 129 km section in the Philippine Sea with data recorded on a long vertical array [Geroski and Dowling, Long-range frequency-difference source localization in the Philippine Sea, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146 (2019) 4727–4739.]. The role of internal waves is quantified with a realistic FDSL simulation using models based on the parabolic and ray approximations of the linear acoustic wave equation. The modeled vertical variation of FDSL error is similar to observed while the modeled horizontal error is too small. The complicated software model is automatic but is computationally intensive, with our version needing about 1.5 mo to compute on a PC with 16 cpu cores.