The effect of four different cyclones making land fall on four different coastal regions is studied viz., Nisha (2008, Tamil Nadu), Laila (2010, Andhra Pradesh), Sidr (2007, Bangladesh) and land depression BOB 03 (2008, Orissa). Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) technique are used to detect change in Land use and Land cover (LU/LC). Change in vegetation cover by Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) is also investigated. Further, preparation of slope map, processing of buffer zoning map is exercised. These parameters are analyzed to find the impression of cyclones after hitting the coastal boundaries by considering the images before and after the cyclone has passed. Change detection assessment of LU/LC features provides information for monitoring the trend of change in an area. In almost every considered region, it is found that dense vegetation is changed to sparse vegetation. Also, decrease in the irrigated cropland due to heavy rainfall caused by cyclone is noted. Risk zone is created by buffer ring of cyclone track to spot the area under risk zone. The area calculation suggests the effect of cyclone at the distance of 20–50km from the cyclone path which is validated from the slope effect on LU/LC, also. Some of the common features such as dense vegetation, show decrease in the area by 71%, 17%, 67% and 60%, or settlement area also shows decrease by 38%, 15%, 57% and 17% due to Laila, BOB 03, Nisha and Sidr cyclones, respectively. Increase in shrubland mix with rangeland by 18%, 113% and 98% is also seen due to Laila, Nisha and Sidr cyclones. Other LU/LC shows changes such as, water bodies increasing by 6%, 189% due to BOB 03 and Nisha cyclones. Changes are also seen in sparsed vegetation, which is decreased in Orissa and Tamil Nadu and increased in Andhra Pradesh and Bangladesh. It is demonstrated that by preparing risk zonation map, risk assessment can be done.