Electronic and Magnetic Structures of Iron Porphyrin Complexes
The following sections are included:
I. Introduction
II. NMR and EPR Methods to Determine the Electronic Structures
A. Orbital Interactions
B. NMR Spectroscopy
1. 1H NMR Spectroscopy
2. 13C NMR Spectroscopy
C. EPR Spectroscopy
III. Low-Spin Iron(III) Porphyrins
A. General Considerations
B. Factors Affecting the Electronic Ground States
1. Axial Ligands
2. Electronic Effects of Peripheral Substituents
3. Deformation of the Porphyrin Ring
a. Ruffled Deformation
b. Saddled Deformation
4. Solvent Effects
C. Low-Spin Complexes with a Rare Electronic Ground State
1. Bis-Imidazole Complexes that Adopt the (dxz′ dyz)4(dxy)1 Ground State
2. A Bis-Tert-Butylisocyanide Complex Adopting the (dxy)2(dxz′ dyz)3 Ground State
IV. Mixed High-Spin and Intermediate-Spin Complexes
A. General Considerations
B. Formation of Pure Intermediate-Spin Complexes
1. Axial Ligands with Extremely Weak Field Strength
a. Magnetochemical Series
b. Four-Coordinate Iron(III) Porphyrin Cation
2. Deformation of the Porphyrin Ring
a. Ruffled Deformation
i. Five-Coordinate Complexes
ii. Six-Coordinate Complexes
b. Saddled Deformation
i. Five-Coordinate Complexes
ii. Six-Coordinate Complexes
C. Electronic Ground State in Intermediate-Spin Complexes
V. Spin Crossover in Iron(III) Porphyrins
A. General Considerations
B. Spin Crossover Between S = 3/2 and S = 1/2
1. [Fe(OETPP)L2]+
2. [Fe(OMTPP)L2]+ and [Fe(TBTXP)L2]+
3. [Fe(MAzP)L2]± and [Fe(OEP)L2]±
4. Structural Consequences of Spin Crossover
C. Spin Crossover Between S = 3/2 and S = 5/2
1. Monoaqua Complexes of Saddled Porphyrins
2. Monoazide Complexes
D. Spin Crossover in Monoimidazole Complexes
1. [Fe(TMP)L]+ and [Fe(TMTMP)L]+
2. [Fe(OETPP)L]+
VI. Oxidized Products of Iron(III) Porphyrin Complexes
A. One-Electron-Oxidized Products
1. Iron(III) Porphyrin Cation Radicals
a. High-Spin Iron(III) Porphyrin Cation Radicals
b. Mixed High-Spin and Intermediate-Spin Iron(III) Porphyrin Cation Radicals
c. Low-Spin Iron(III) Porphyrin Cation Radicals
i. Iron(III) with the (dxy)2(dxz′ dyz)3 Electron Configuration
ii. Iron(III) with the (dxz′ dyz)4(dxy)1 Electron Configuration
2. Iron(IV) Porphyrin Complexes
a. Iron(IV) porphyrins with an FeIV=O bond
b. Iron(IV) porphyrins without an Fe=O bond
B. Two-Electron-Oxidized Products of Iron(III) Porphyrins
1. Oxoiron(IV) Porphyrin Cation Radicals
2. Iron(III) Porphyrin N-Oxides
3. Iron(III) Porphyrin Dications
4. Iron(V) Porphyrins
VII. Acknowledgments
VIII. References