In the present paper, an influence of the anisotropic antisymmetric exchange interaction, the Dzialoshinskii–Moriya (DM) interaction, on entanglement of two qubits in various magnetic spin models, including the pure DM model and the most general XYZ model, are studied. We find that the time evolution generated by DM interaction can implement the SWAP gate and discuss realistic quasi-one-dimensional magnets where it can be realized. It is shown that inclusion of the DM interaction to any Heisenberg model creates, when it does not exist, or strengthens, when it exists, the entanglement. We give physical explanation of these results by studying the ground state of the systems at T = 0. Nonanalytic dependence of the concurrence on the DM interaction and its relation with quantum phase transition is indicated. Our results show that spin models with the DM coupling have some potential applications in quantum computations and the DM interaction could be an efficient control parameter of entanglement.