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  • articleNo Access


    Gas bubbles are the most potent naturally-occurring entities that influence the acoustic environment in liquids. Upon entrainment under breaking waves, waterfalls, or rainfall over water, each bubble undergoes small amplitude decaying pulsations with a natural frequency that varies approximately inversely with the bubble radius, giving rise to the "plink" of a dripping tap or the roar of a cataract. When they occur in their millions per cubic metre in the top few metres of the ocean, bubbles can dominate the underwater sound field. Similarly, when driven by an incident sound field, bubbles exhibit a strong pulsation resonance. Acoustic scatter by bubbles can confound sonar in the shallow waters which typify many modern maritime military operations. If they are driven by sound fields of sufficient amplitude, the bubble pulsations can become highly nonlinear. These nonlinearities might be exploited to enhance sonar, or to monitor the bubble population. Such oceanic monitoring is important, for example, because of the significant contribution made by bubbles to the greenhouse gas budget. In industry, bubble monitoring is required for sparging, electrochemical processes, the production of paints, pharamaceuticals and foodstuffs. At yet higher amplitudes of pulsation, gas compression within the collapsing bubble can generate temperatures of several thousand Kelvin whilst, in the liquid, shock waves and shear can produce erosion and bioeffects. Not only can these effects be exploited in industrial cleaning and manufacturing, and research into novel chemical processes, but we need to understand (and if possible control) their occurrence when biomedical ultrasound is passed through the body. This is because the potential of such bubble-related physical and chemical processes to damage tissue will be desireable in some circumstances (e.g. ultrasonic kidney stone therapy), and undesireable in others (e.g. foetal scanning). This paper describes this range of behaviour. Further information on these topics, including sound and video files, can be found at .

  • articleNo Access


    A method based on the acoustics is developed to analyze the acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF). A design of AOTF is provided to improve the performance of AOTF based on the method. And the experiment confirms the design.

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    We developed a new method of earthquake-proof engineering to create an artificial seismic shadow zone using acoustic metamaterials. By designing huge empty boxes with a few side-holes corresponding to the resonance frequencies of seismic waves and burying them around the buildings that we want to protect, the velocity of the seismic wave becomes imaginary. The meta-barrier composed of many meta-boxes attenuates the seismic waves, which reduces the amplitude of the wave exponentially by dissipating the seismic energy. This is a mechanical method of converting the seismic energy into sound and heat. We estimated the sound level generated from a seismic wave. This method of area protection differs from the point protection of conventional seismic design, including the traditional cloaking method. The artificial seismic shadow zone is tested by computer simulation and compared with a normal barrier.

  • articleNo Access

    Acoustic Eaton lens array and its fluid application

    A principle of an acoustic Eaton lens array and its application as a removable tsunami wall is proposed theoretically. The lenses are made of expandable rubber pillars or balloons and create a stop-band by rotating the incoming tsunami wave and reduce the pressure by canceling each other. The diameter of each lens is larger than the wavelength of the tsunami near the coast, that is, order of a kilometer. The impedance matching on the border of the lenses results in a little reflection. Before a tsunami, the balloons are buried underground in shallow water near the coast in folded or rounded form. Upon sounding of the tsunami alarm, water and air are pumped into the pillars, which expand and erect the wall above the sea level within a few hours. After the tsunami, the water and air are released from the pillars, which are then buried underground for reuse. Electricity is used to power the entire process. A numerical simulation with a linear tsunami model was carried out.