An n-ary endofunction on an abelian group G is a function f : Gn → G such that f(θg1,…,θgn) = θ f(g1,…,gn) for all endomorphisms θ of G. A group G is endoprimal if, for each natural number n, each n-ary endofunction has the following simple form:
for some collection of integers {li : 1 ≤ i ≤ n}. The notion of endoprimality arises from universal algebra in a natural way and has been applied to the study of abelian groups in papers Davey and Pitkethly (97), Kaarli and Marki (99) and Göbel, Kaarli, Marki, and Wallutis (to appear). These papers make the case that the notion of endoprimality can give rise to interesting and tractable classes of abelian groups. We continue working along these lines, adapting our definition to make it more suitable for working with general classes of abelian groups. We study generalized endoprimal (ge) abelian groups. Here every n-ary endofunction is required to be of the form
for some collection of central endomorphisms {λi : 1 ≤ i ≤ n} of G. (Note that such a sum is always an endofunction.) We characterize generalized endoprimal abelian groups in a number of cases, in particular for torsion groups, torsion-free finite rank groups G such that E(G) has zero nil radical, and self-small mixed groups of finite torsion-free rank.