With the rapid development of embedded systems, users and services have been greatly facilitated while also experiencing security threats as a result of cyber-attacks and system vulnerabilities. Currently, the real-time embedded system (RTES) focus is to deal with these security issues. In this paper, we introduce a short review of security-aware techniques for RTES. We mainly discuss two common approaches to improve the security of RTESs. The first approach is achieved by exploring specific attacks. The second approach is realized by deploying security-guaranteed services. However, improving the security of embedded systems may cause excessive energy consumption at the same time. Therefore, we investigate the secure and energy-aware RTESs on a wide range of research. In addition, we study a number of common applications used in secure RETSs. This paper stands for providing awareness and better understanding of the current RTES research status as well as technical theory behind it. Hence, the RTES security issues are resolved.