In order to construct chromophores arrays that precisely controlled their arrangement, monolayers of an azobenzene bearing nucleoamphiphile were prepared on various oligoDNA solutions. Monolayers of the amphiphilic adenine derivative bearing an azobenezene moiety (C12AzoC5Ade) were prepared on thymidylic acid tetramer (dT4) and octamer (dT8) solutions, and UV-vis reflection absorption spectra of the monolayers were measured to investigate aggregation structures of the azobenzene. The absorption maximum of the monolayer was blue-shifted on the dT4 solution and red-shifted on the dT8 solution. It shows that azobenzene groups in the monolayer have parallel orientation (H aggregate) on the dT4 solution. Though, azobenzene groups have head-to-tail orientation (J aggregates) on the dT8 solution. When monolayers of C12AzoC5Ade were prepared on the synthesized cyclic oligonucleotides, the absorption spectra were totally different from those of the corresponding linear oligonucleotides.