The purpose of the present paper is to continue the study of modules cofinite and weakly cofinite with respect to an ideal a of a Noetherian ring R. It is shown that an R-module M is cofinite with respect to a, if and only if, ExtiR(R/a,M) is finitely generated for all i≤cd(a,M)+1, whenever dimR/a=1. In addition, we show that if M is finitely generated and Hia(M) are weakly Laskerian for all i≤t−1, then Hia(M) are a-cofinite for all i≤t−1 and for any minimax submodule K of Hta(M), the R-modules HomR(R/a,Hta(M)/K) and Ext1R(R/a,Hta(M)/K) are finitely generated, where t is a non-negative integer. Finally, we explore a criterion for weakly cofiniteness of modules with respect to an ideal of dimension one. Namely, for such ideals it suffices that the two first Ext-modules in the definition for weakly cofiniteness are weakly Laskerian. As an application of this result, we deduce that the category of all a-weakly cofinite modules over R forms a full Abelian subcategory of the category of modules.