This paper is concerned with the study of LCS-manifolds and Ricci solitons. It is shown that in a CS-spacetime, the fluid has vanishing vorticity and vanishing shear. It is found that in an LCS-manifold, gradα is an irrotational vector field, where α is a non-zero smooth scalar function. It is proved that in a CS-spacetime with generator vector field ξ obeying Einstein equation, T(ξ,ξ)>0 or <0 according to ρ>α2 or ρ<α2, where ρ is a scalar function and T is the energy momentum tensor. Also, it is shown that if X is a non-null spacelike (respectively, timelike) vector field on a CS-spacetime with scalar curvature r and cosmological constant Λ, then T(X,X)>0 if and only if r>2Λ (respectively, r<2Λ), and T(X,X)<0 if and only if r<2Λ (respectively, r>2Λ), and further T(X,X)=0 if and only if r=2Λ. The nature of the scalar curvature of an LCS-manifold admitting Yamabe soliton is obtained. Also, it is proved that an LCS-manifold admitting η-Ricci soliton is η-Einstein and its scalar curvature is constant if and only if α is constant. Further, it is shown that if β is a scalar function with β=−(ξρ) and 2αρ−β vanishes, then the gradients of α, β, ρ are co-directional with the generator ξ. In a perfect fluid CS-spacetime admitting η-Ricci soliton, it is proved that the pressure density p and energy density σ are constants, and if it agrees Einstein field equation, then we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the scalar curvature to be constant. If such a spacetime possesses Ricci collineation, then it must admit an almost η-Yamabe soliton and the converse holds when the Ricci operator is of constant norm. Also, in a perfect fluid CS-spacetime satisfying Einstein equation, it is shown that if Ricci collineation is admitted with respect to the generator ξ, then the matter content cannot be perfect fluid, and further κ(p−σ)≠2Λ with gravitational constant κ implies that ξ is a Killing vector field. Finally, in an LCS-manifold, it is proved that if the CL-curvature tensor is conservative, then scalar potential and the generator vector field are co-directional, and if the manifold possesses pseudosymmetry due to the CL-curvature tensor, then it is an η-Einstein manifold.