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We design succinct encodings of series-parallel, block-cactus and 3-leaf power graphs while supporting the basic navigational queries such as degree, adjacency and neighborhood optimally in the RAM model with logarithmic word size. One salient feature of our representation is that it can achieve optimal space even though the exact space lower bound for these graph classes is not known. For these graph classes, we provide succinct data structures with optimal query support for the first time in the literature. For series-parallel multigraphs, our work also extends the works of Uno et al. (Disc. Math. Alg. and Appl., 2013) and Blelloch and Farzan (CPM, 2010) to produce optimal bounds.
A star is a graph in which some node is incident with every edge of the graph, i.e., a graph of diameter at most 2. A star forest is a graph in which each connected component is a star. Given a connected graph G in which the edges may be weighted positively. A spanning star forest of G is a subgraph of G which is a star forest spanning the nodes of G. The size of a spanning star forest F of G is defined to be the number of edges of F if G is unweighted and the total weight of all edges of F if G is weighted. We are interested in the problem of finding a Maximum Weight spanning Star Forest (MWSFP) in G. In [C. T. Nguyen, J. Shen, M. Hou, L. Sheng, W. Miller and L. Zhang, Approximating the spanning star forest problem and its applications to genomic sequence alignment, SIAM J. Comput. 38(3) (2008) 946–962], the authors introduced the MWSFP and proved its NP-hardness. They also gave a polynomial time algorithm for the MWSF problem when G is a tree. In this paper, we present a linear time algorithm that solves the MSWF problem when G is a cactus.