This paper examines the three-dimensional flow of a bio-hybrid nanofluid through a porous rotating disk while considering the effects of linear thermal radiation and quadratic thermal radiation and examining entropy generation. The fluid enclosure with blood is taken as base fluid and silver–gold is considered as nanoparticles. The fluid flow phenomenon is characterized by nonlinear coupled differential equations involving two or more independent variables. A suitable numerical technique is used to handle the set of governing equations along with a stability and convergence analysis, followed by applying the homotopy perturbation method for solving stated equations. Through graphical illustrations, the radial and tangential velocity distributions, temperature distributions, entropy production and Bejan number are discussed graphically. The Nusselt number and friction factor results are presented and analyzed. The current finding is validated using the available data in both the numerical and homotopy perturbation methods. The results show that when heat absorption increases on blood/gold–silver hybrid nanofluid, a large heat flux develops on the revolving disk, accelerating the heat-transfer mechanism from that surface in both linear thermal radiation and quadratic thermal radiation cases. Moreover, we have seen that the entropy generation is increasing as the magnetic interaction parameter and heat absorption/generation coefficient in quadratic thermal radiation grow, in comparison with linear thermal radiation. The application of thermal radiation and entropy generation analysis is significantly used in the study of renal artery stenosis (RAS) systems and is an active area of research in the field of biomedical engineering. The model is utilized to compute entropy in physiological systems, such as cancer treatment, heat transfer in tissues, dialysis blood pump, and the efficacy of medical apparatus.