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  • articleNo Access


    We consider a nearest-neighbor inhomogeneous p-adic Potts (with q≥2 spin values) model on the Cayley tree of order k≥1. The inhomogeneity means that the interaction Jxy couplings depend on nearest-neighbors points x, y of the Cayley tree. We study (p-adic) Gibbs measures of the model. We show that (i) if q∉pℕ then there is unique Gibbs measure for any k≥1 and ∀ Jxy with | Jxy |< p-1/(p -1). (ii) For q∈p ℕ, p≥3 one can choose Jxy and k≥1 such that there exist at least two Gibbs measures which are translation-invariant.

  • articleNo Access


    We consider a nearest-neighbor solid-on-solid (SOS) model, with several spin values 0, 1,…, m, m ≥ 2, and zero external field, on a Cayley tree of order k (with k + 1 neighbors). The SOS model can be treated as a natural generalization of the Ising model (obtained for m = 1). We mainly assume that m = 2 (three spin values) and study translation-invariant (TI) and "splitting" (S) Gibbs measures (GMs). (Splitting GMs have a particular Markov-type property specific for a tree.) Furthermore, we focus on symmetric TISGMs, with respect to a "mirror" reflection of the spins. [For the Ising model (where m = 1), such measures are reduced to the "disordered" phase obtained for free boundary conditions, see Refs. 9, 10.] For m = 2, in the antiferromagnetic (AFM) case, a symmetric TISGM (and even a general TISGM) is unique for all temperatures. In the ferromagnetic (FM) case, for m = 2, the number of symmetric TISGMs and (and the number of general TISGMs) varies with the temperature: this gives an interesting example of phase transition. Here we identify a critical inverse temperature, formula such that formula, there exists a unique symmetric TISGM μ* and formula there are exactly three symmetric TISGMs: formula (a "bottom" symmetric TISGM), formula (a "middle" symmetric TISGM) and formula (a "top" symmetric TISGM). For formula we also construct a continuum of distinct, symmertric SGMs which are non-TI.

    Our second result gives complete description of the set of periodic Gibbs measures for the SOS model on a Cayley tree. A complete description of periodic GMs means a characterisation of such measures with respect to any given normal subgroup of finite index in the representation group of the tree. We show that (i) for an FM SOS model, for any normal subgroup of finite index, each periodic SGM is in fact TI. Further, (ii) for an AFM SOS model, for any normal subgroup of finite index, each periodic SGM is either TI or has period two (i.e. is a chess-board SGM).

  • articleNo Access


    We introduce generalized quantum Markov states and generalized d-Markov chains which extend the notion quantum Markov chains on spin systems to that on C*-algebras defined by general graphs. As examples of generalized d-Markov chains, we construct the entangled Markov fields on tree graphs. The concrete examples of generalized d-Markov chains on Cayley trees are also investigated.

  • articleNo Access


    In this paper we study forward quantum Markov chains (QMC) defined on Cayley tree. A construction of such QMC is provided, namely we construct states on finite volumes with boundary conditions, and define QMC as a weak limit of those states which depends on the boundary conditions. Using the provided construction, we investigate QMC associated with XY-model on a Cayley tree of order two. We prove uniqueness of QMC associated with such a model, this means the QMC does not depend on the boundary conditions.

  • articleNo Access

    Periodic Gibbs measures for models with uncountable set of spin values on a Cayley tree

    We consider models with nearest-neighbor interactions and with the set [0, 1] of spin values, on a Cayley tree of order k ≥ 1. We show that periodic Gibbs measures are either translation-invariant or periodic with period two. We describe two-periodic Gibbs measures of the model. For k = 1 we show that there is no any periodic Gibbs measure. In case k ≥ 2 we get a sufficient condition on Hamiltonian of the model with uncountable set of spin values under which the model has no periodic Gibbs measure. We construct several models which have at least two periodic Gibbs measures.

  • articleNo Access

    Types of factors generated by quantum Markov states of Ising model with competing interactions on the Cayley tree

    In this paper, we consider Quantum Markov States (QMS) corresponding to the Ising model with competing interactions on the Cayley tree of order two. Earlier, some algebraic properties of these states were investigated. In this paper, we prove that if the competing interaction is rational then the von Neumann algebra, corresponding to the QMS associated with disordered phase of the model, has type IIIλ, λ(0,1).

  • articleNo Access

    Quantum Ising model with generalized competing XY-interactions on a Cayley tree

    In this paper, the phase transition phenomena for the Ising model (with nearest-neighbor interaction J0) but with quantum generalized competing XY-interactions (J1 and J2 coupling constants) are treated by means of a quantum Markov chain (QMC) approach. We point out that the case J1=J2 has been carried out in Ref. 32. Note that if J2=0, then it turns out that phase transition exists, for any value of J1, while the Ising coupling constant should satisfy 2J0β>ln3. This means that the Ising interaction is dominated in the considered situation, i.e. the X-competing interactions’ role is negligible. This kind of phenomena was not detected in this mentioned paper. Phase transition means the existence of at least two distinct QMCs which are not quasi-equivalent and their supports do not overlap. To prove the quasi-equivalence, it is first established that the QMCs satisfy clustering property.

  • articleNo Access

    New class of Gibbs measures for two-state hard-core model on a Cayley tree

    In this paper, we consider a Hard-Core (HC) model with two spin values on Cayley trees. The conception of alternative Gibbs measure is introduced and translational invariance conditions for alternative Gibbs measures are found. Also, we show that the existence of alternative Gibbs measures which are not translation-invariant. In addition, we study free energy of the model.

  • articleFree Access

    An infinite-dimensional nonlinear equation related to Gibbs measures of a SOS model

    For the solid-on-solid (SOS) model with an external field and with spin values from the set of all integers on a Cayley tree, each (gradient) Gibbs measure corresponds to a boundary law (an infinite-dimensional vector function defined on vertices of the Cayley tree) satisfying a nonlinear functional equation. Recently some translation-invariant and height-periodic (non-normalizable) solutions to the equation are found. Here, our aim is to find non-height-periodic and non-normalizable boundary laws for the SOS model. By such a solution one can construct a non-probability Gibbs measure. We find explicitly several non-normalizable boundary laws. Moreover, we reduce the problem to solving of a nonlinear, second-order difference equation. We give analytic and numerical analyses of the difference equation.