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The phase formation and thermal-induced phase transformation are studied in BaTiO3 nanoparticles. 2 h of heating a polymer precursor at 550°C in air formed a single phase BaTiO3 of 15 nm average crystallite size D. The X-ray diffraction peaks are analyzed assuming a Pnma orthorhombic (o) crystal structure of lattice parameters a = 0.6435 nm, b = 0.5306 nm, and c = 0.8854 nm. The lattice volume V = 0.3023 nm3, with z = 4 formula units, yields a density ρ = 5.124 g/cm3. This is a new polymorph in comparison to well-known Pm3m tetragonal (t) structure, V = 0.0644 nm3 or ρ = 6.016 g/cm3 (z = 1). An o ↦ t transformation appears on heating at temperature as high as 650°C in air. A proposed model explains the transformation above a certain D value in terms of the Gibbs free energy. Unless heating above 750°C, the two phases coexist in a composite structure (D≤27 nm), with as much residual o-phase trace as ~28 vol%. As a function of temperature both the phases decrease in the V values up to 0.2975 and 0.0643 nm3 at 750°C respectively (0.0650 nm3 at 650°C). This is an important parameter for designing useful ferroelectric and other properties in a hybrid composite structure.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the damage modes of ceramic systems bonded to dentin under Hertzian indentation. Single-cycle Hertzian contact test over 150–850 N load range was applied randomly to 210 ceramic–dentin bilayer disc specimens of zirconia or IPS Empress II -1 mm, -1.5 mm and of feldspathic porcelain -1 mm, -1.5 mm, -2 mm. Optical microscopy was employed for the identification of quasiplastic mode and radial cracks. Finite element analysis was used to analyze the stress distribution. Our results showed that the degree of damage in both modes evolved progressively and the origin changed with contact load. Stress location and value were consistent with the mechanical test results. It was concluded that microstructure and thickness of the material have a significant effect on the damage modes of ceramic layer systems.
Ceramics with the composition Pb1-xK2x-3yMyNb2O6 (PKMN) with x = 0.29, y = 0.145 and M = Gd3+, Y3+ were synthesized by the solid-state reaction route between the corresponding oxides and carbonates. The crystal structure was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The temperature dependence of dielectric properties were measured from 35 to 595°C. Well-developed P–E (polarization–electric field) hysteresis loops were observed in the materials. Determining the piezoelectric constants, Kp = 20%, Kt = 49%, d33 = 110, and quality factor, Qm = 33, reveals that the material Y3+-modified PKN can be useful for transducer applications.
Polycrystalline sample of NaCa2Nb5O15 was prepared by a high-temperature solid-state reaction technique. Preliminary X-ray structural analysis exhibits the orthorhombic crystal structure of the compound at room temperature. Detailed dielectric studies of NaCa2Nb5O15 over a wide range of temperature (31–500°C) and frequency (102–106 Hz) did not show any dielectric anomaly (or ferroelectric phase transition) as observed in other members of the tungsten bronze structural family. However, the low loss tangent and dielectric constant increase with increasing temperature. Complex impedance and modulus plots (at different temperature and frequency) show the existence of non-Debye type of relaxation process in the compound. Complex modulus spectrum shows only grain contribution in the compound. Electric modulus analysis suggests that a possible hopping mechanism is evident for electrical transport processes in the system. Studies of AC conductivity with frequency suggest that the material obeys Jonscher's universal power law.
In this paper we report samarium substituted Ba0.80Pb0.20Ti0.90Zr0.10O3 (BPZT) ceramics. The material series with compositional formula Ba0.80-xSmxPb0.20Ti0.90Zr0.10O3 with x varying from 0 to 0.01 in the steps of 0.0025 was chosen for investigations. The material was synthesized by solid state reaction method. Reacted powders compacted in the form of circular discs were sintered at 1325°C. All the samples were subjected to X-ray analysis and found to be single phase. Dielectric behavior was studied as a function of frequency and temperature and Curie temperature (Tc) was determined. Tc was found to decrease with increasing x. The details are discussed and presented here.
The LiCo3/5Fe2/5VO4 ceramics has been fabricated by solution-based chemical method. Frequency dependence of the dielectric constant (εr) at different temperatures exhibits a dispersive behavior at low frequencies. Temperature dependence of εr at different frequencies indicates the dielectric anomalies in εr at Tc (transition temperature) = 190°C, 223°C, 263°C and 283°C with (εr)max ~ 5370, 1976, 690 and 429 for 1, 10, 50 and 100 kHz, respectively. Frequency dependence of tangent loss (tan δ) at different temperatures indicates the presence of dielectric relaxation in the material. The value of activation energy estimated from the Arrhenius plot of log(τd) with 103/T is ~(0.396 ± 0.012) eV.
CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) ceramics were prepared by the solid-state reaction route. Effect of sintering time was studied on the polarization (P) versus electric field (E) behavior. Unlike conventional ferroelectric hysteresis loop, PE hysteresis behavior in CCTO ceramics was observed to exhibit ferroelectric-like loop where polarization does not saturate but gives a maximum value. Remnant polarization and maximum polarization was observed to increase with sintering time. Current (I)–voltage (V) characteristics shows a nonlinear behavior making them useful for varistor applications. Coefficient of non-linearity (α) is also found to depend on sintering duration.
To meet the requirement of next-generation multilayer ceramic capacitors, the synthesis and characterization of Ba0.985Bi0.01TiO3-based high-k dielectric compositions are reported. Solid solutions with a nominal composition of 0.4Ba0.985Bi0.01TiO3–0.6BaTi1-xZrxO3 (x = 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.1) was synthesized by distillation method. Room-temperature X-ray diffraction patterns showed an increase and then a decrease in the tetragonality of Ba0.985Bi0.01TiO3 after modifying with BaTi1-xZrxO3. The decrement in tetragonality (c/a ratio) was accompanied by lowering of Curie temperature. 0.4Ba0.985Bi0.01TiO3–0.6BaTi0.995Zr0.005O3 was found to exhibit diffuse phase transition accompanied by an ultrahigh dielectric constant of 77,619, a loss tangent < 1 and a grain size < 1 μm.
In this paper, V2O5 added Li–Mn–Ti ferrites were prepared by the conventional double sintering ceramic technique having the compositional formula where "x" is the amount of V2O5 added and x = (0.0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) wt.%. The samples were pre-sintered at 650°C for 2 h and then finally sintered at 950°C for 1 h. Single phase cubic spinel structures of the samples were confirmed by XRD studies. Various structural and electrical properties were studied and compared with those measured from sample of same composition but prepared with 0.5 wt.% of Bi2O3. This sample was pre-sintered at 850°C for 4 h and sintered at 1050°C for 4 h. Adding V2O5 in Li-ferrites was found to reduce the sintering temperature and obtained products with reduced porosity and crystallite size but with enhanced DC resistivity. From the studies of dielectric properties, it is found that V2O5 added ferrites have lower dielectric constant and dielectric loss. Temperature dependence of dielectric properties was also studied and temperature dependence of dielectric constant and dielectric loss were less significant in the V2O5 added Li-ferrites.
The influence of nickel doping on the electrical properties and dielectric relaxation in Zn1−xNixFe2O4 (ZNFO, 0.2≤x≤0.5) ceramics has been investigated via the dielectric and complex impedance spectra measurements. According to the modified Curie–Weiss law, the diffusivity factor of the ZNFO ceramics from 1.69 to 2.02 with x increasing from 0.2 to 0.5, respectively. Two relaxation peaks are observed in the nickel doped samples, by employing the modified Arrhenius equation, two activation energy values of different sintering temperatures were calculated and analyzed in combination with oxygen vacancy. The Cole–Cole plots showed that the semicircular arcs which are nonideal Debye type, and the grain boundaries resistance increases with increasing Ni concentration.
Li4Ti5O12 ceramics with different amount of MoO2 addition were densified at 850∘C via a solid-state reaction route. Pure phases and dense crystal morphology were obtained. Our experimental results indicated that the τf value of the Li4Ti5O12 ceramic can be adjusted to near zero via adopting suitable amount of MoO2 addition. Among all the modified Li4Ti5O12 specimens, the sample with 4 wt.% of MoO2 addition (marked as LM4 in this paper) possessed good microwave dielectric properties: 𝜀r=20.76, Q×f=18308 GHz (7.99 GHz), τf=(+)2.96 ppm/∘C. It is suggested that the MoO2 modified Li4Ti5O12 ceramics are suitable candidates for LTCC applications in microwave devices.
The composite of (1−x)BaTiO3–(x)Li0.5Fe2.5O4(x=0.00,0.05,0.10,0.15) was prepared by mixing lithium ferrite and barium titanate. The samples were sintered at 1150∘C for optimum parameters at chemical reaction between ferrite–ferroelectric interfaces. The presence of ferroelectric nature was detected by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and homogenous coarseness nature was confirmed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Dielectric measurement for the samples show the superimposition behavior of both magnetic and electric phases in the composite samples. This fact was further supported by magnetic behavior from vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and polarization from PE loops. Magnetic measurements show the increase in coercivity and saturation magnetization with increase in ferrite content. PE loops suggests that coercivity increases initially and then decreases for rise in ferrite content suggesting the trend of leaking factor in the samples.
B2O3–Bi2O3–SiO2–ZnO (BBSZ) glass-modified Li2(MnxTi1−x)O3 ceramics were fabricated via a solid-state reaction route. Pure phase and dense crystal morphology were obtained at 900∘C. Suitable amount of Mn4+-ion substitution could adjust the τf value of the Li2(MnxTi1−x)O3 system to near zero. Among all of the Li2(MnxTi1−x)O3 samples, the sample with x = 0.9 (marked as BL9 in this paper) possessed good microwave dielectric properties: 𝜀r = 18, Q × f = 14,056 GHz (9.58 GHz) and τf = (+)2.43 ppm/∘C. It is suggested that the Li2(MnxTi1−x)O3 ceramic with BBSZ glass is a suitable low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) candidate for microwave applications.
The materials’ consolidation, especially ceramics, is very important in advanced research development and industrial technologies. Science of sintering with all incoming novelties is the base of all these processes. A very important question in all of this is how to get the more precise structure parameters within the morphology of different ceramic materials. In that sense, the advanced procedure in collecting precise data in submicro-processes is also in direction of advanced miniaturization. Our research, based on different electrophysical parameters, like relative capacitance, breakdown voltage, and tgδ, has been used in neural networks and graph theory successful applications. We extended furthermore our neural network back propagation (BP) on sintering parameters’ data. Prognosed mapping we can succeed if we use the coefficients, implemented by the training procedure. In this paper, we continue to apply the novelty from the previous research, where the error is calculated as a difference between the designed and actual network output. So, the weight coefficients contribute in error generation. We used the experimental data of sintered materials’ density, measured and calculated in the bulk, and developed possibility to calculate the materials’ density inside of consolidated structures. The BP procedure here is like a tool to come down between the layers, with much more precise materials’ density, in the points on morphology, which are interesting for different microstructure developments and applications. We practically replaced the errors’ network by density values, from ceramic consolidation. Our neural networks’ application novelty is successfully applied within the experimental ceramic material density ρ=5.4×103 [kg/m3], confirming the direction way to implement this procedure in other density cases. There are many different mathematical tools or tools from the field of artificial intelligence that can be used in such or similar applications. We choose to use artificial neural networks because of their simplicity and their self-improvement process, through BP error control. All of this contributes to the great improvement in the whole research and science of sintering technology, which is important for collecting more efficient and faster results.
In this work, an attempt is made for improving the piezoelectric properties of a lead-free (Na0.5K0.485Li0.015)(Nb0.98V0.02)O3 ceramic system by doping manganese in it. The Rietveld analysis of XRD micrographs of the ceramics indicates the samples crystallizing into 99.86% of orthorhombic phase and very small traces of tetragonal phase around room temperature. The Curie temperature (Tc) is hardly affected by the incorporation of Mn4+ into the system. At the manganese concentration of 0.02wt.%, the ceramic system attains the peak values in its density, dielectric constant at room temperature (εRT), planar electromechanical coefficient (kp), piezoelectric coefficient (d33), and remnant polarization (Pr). The optimum piezoelectric properties of kp=43% and d33=193 pC/N are observed for this composition. The study reveals that the modification of (Na0.5K0.485Li0.015) (Nb0.98V0.02)O3 with an appropriate quantity of Mn4+ can produce the desired changes in the crystallographic properties and densification so as to eventually improve its piezoelectric properties.