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The future holds the possibility of hospitals sharing medical images obtained through non-invasive systems to patients remotely. The advent of cloud and the storage and deployment of medical healthcare images in the cloud has resulted in the increased need for application of Cryptographic techniques to protect them from unauthorized access and malicious attacks. The Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) standard is more compatible across medical imaging instruments globally. The pixel data of DICOM images requires more privacy and security. A novel ECDS based cryptographic approach is suggested to encrypt the original DICOM image as well as the ROI pixel data extracted from DICOM images. Results computed experimentally have proved that medical image encryption via ECDH is more robust, efficient and faster than existing medical image encryption schemes.
Intelligent electronic components’ management systems (IECMS), which can automatically inquire about components’ stock and make inventories, were often proposed in recent years to improve the efficiency of material management. So far, research focused on system architecture and information management software. The design of components’ monitoring subsystems was neglected in practical implementations of IECMS for industrial environments. The existing schemes share the disadvantages of high complexity and cost. As IECMS are not widely applied, yet, to implementations of IECMS features of hardware customization, maintainability, real-time components’ monitoring and cloudbased stock tracking are added to provide an intelligent and economic solution for advanced material management applications. Preliminary test results prove its effectiveness in intelligent components management.
Cloud computing is internet based network diagram that represent internet, or various parts of it, as schematic clouds. The term, characteristics and services associated with internet based computing is called cloud computing. Characteristics means infrastructures, provisioning, network access and managed metering. The primary business associated model which is employed in software, platform and infrastructure as a service and common deployment model which is deployed by service providers and users to use and maintain the cloud services like private, public, community and hybrid clouds are discussed in this papers. In this paper cloud computing refers to different types of services and applications being delivered in the internet cloud but the fact is, in many cases the devices use to access such services and applications do not require any special applications. That is cloud computing is everywhere. Cloud computing also promise to cut operational and capital costs.