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  • articleNo Access

    Parallel lattice Boltzmann simulation of bubble rising and coalescence in viscous flows

    A parallel three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann scheme for multicomponent immiscible fluids is proposed to simulate bubble rising and coalescence process in viscous flows. The lattice Boltzmann scheme is based on the free-energy model and is parallelized in the share-memory model by using the OpenMP. Bubble interface is described by a diffusion interface method solving the Cahn–Hilliard equation and both the surface tension force and the buoyancy are introduced in a form of discrete body force. To avoid the numerical instability caused by the interface deformation, the 18 point finite difference scheme is utilized to calculate the first- and second-order space derivative. The correction of the parallel scheme handling three-dimensional interfaces is verified by the Laplace law and the dynamic characteristics of an isolated bubble in stationary flows. Subsequently, effects of the initially relative position, accompanied by the size ratio on bubble–bubble interaction are studied. The results show that the present scheme can effectively describe the bubble interface dynamics, even if rupture and restructure occurs. In addition to the repulsion and coalescence phenomenon due to the relative position, the size ratio also plays an insignificant role in bubble deformation and trajectory.

  • articleNo Access

    Coalescence of Cu contacted nanoparticles with different heating rates: A molecular dynamics study

    The coalescence, the initial stage of sintering, of two contacted Cu nanoparticles is investigated under different heating rates of 700, 350 and 233 K/ns. The nanoparticles coalesced rapidly at the initial stage when the temperature of the system is low. Then, the nanoparticles collided softly in an equilibrium period. After the system was increased to a high temperature, the shrinkage ratio, gyration radius and atoms’ diffusion started to change dramatically. The lower heating rate can result in smaller shrinkage ratio, larger gyration radius and diffusion of atoms. However, the growth of sintering neck is hardly influenced by the heating rate. The results provide a theoretical guidance for the fundamental understanding and potential application regarding nanoparticle sintering.

  • articleNo Access

    Molecular dynamics simulation of the coalescence and melting process of Au and Cu nano-clusters

    Molecular dynamic (MD) method is used to study the coalescence and fusing process of Au and Cu nanoclusters. The results show that shear deformation, surface and interface diffusion play important role in different stages of all simulation procedure. In most cases, shear deformation produces the twin boundary or/and stacking fault in particles by particle rotation and slide. The angle between the {111} of Au and Cu particles decrease with increasing temperature, which promotes the formation of the stable interface. Furthermore, the coalescence point and melting temperature increase as cluster diameter increases. For the other cases, there are no particle rotation and slide phenomenon in the elevating temperature process because the stable interface can be formed by forming twin boundaries once two particles contact.

  • articleNo Access


    The kinetics of the Ostwald ripening in a homogeneous supersaturated solution is studied both numerically and analytically. The time evolution of the grain-size distribution function in a new phase is theoretically described, taking into account the finite value of the maximal size of a grain. Two situations are considered: the kinetics of grain growth is controlled either by the grain-monomer reaction process (an early stage) or by the monomer diffusion process (a late stage). A transition to the final distribution is shown to take place through an intermediate-asymptotical mode of the Ostwald ripening kinetics, the crossover of the kinetic indices is demonstrated, and the duration of intermediate stage is evaluated.

  • articleNo Access


    The complex interactions of two and three spark-generated bubbles are studied using high speed photography. The corresponding simulations are performed using a 3D Boundary Element Method (BEM) code. The bubbles generated are between 3 to 5 mm in radius, and they are either in-phase or out-of-phase with one another. The possible interaction phenomena between two identically sized bubbles are summarized. Depending on their relative distances and phase differences, they can coalesce, jet towards or away from one another, split into smaller bubbles, or 'catapult' away from one another. The 'catapult' effect can be utilized to generated high speed jet in the absence of a solid boundary or shockwave. Also three bubble interactions are highlighted. Complicated phenomena such as bubble forming an elliptical shape and bubble splitting are observed. The BEM simulations provide insight into the physics of the phenomena by providing details such as detailed bubble shape changes (experimental observations are limited by the temporal and spatial resolution), and jet velocity. It is noted that the well-tested BEM code [1,2] utilized here is computationally very efficient as compared to other full-domain methods since only the bubble surface is meshed.

  • articleNo Access

    The coalescence behavior of water and ethanol droplets: A molecular dynamic study

    The droplet coalescence phenomenon extensively exists in the industrial production and application, as well as in nature, which is of great research significance. This paper adopted the molecular dynamics (MDs) simulation method to investigate the behavioral characteristics of water/water, ethanol/ethanol and water/ethanol nanodroplets coalescence. The results suggested that, in water and ethanol nanodroplet coalescence process within the water/ethanol system, ethanol was always wrapped on the outer layer of water droplets. The droplet shrinkage in the water/water system was greater than those in the other two systems; meanwhile, that in the water/ethanol system rapidly increased after the contact of droplets, and subsequently surpassed that in the ethanol/ethanol system.

  • articleNo Access

    Molecular dynamics simulations of the alloying process of Cu/Au nanoparticles with different sizes

    The coalescence of particles extensively exists in the industrial production and nature, which is of great research significance. This paper examined the alloying process of Cu/Au nanoparticles with different sizes by molecular dynamics (MDs) simulations. The coalescence process presents three stages which can be divided by the contact and fusion. The alloying processes of Cu/Au nanoparticles with different sizes had contacted with each other before the heating at 300 K. The Au atoms diffused through the outer area of the sintering neck before the nanoparticles were fused into one particle. The coalescence had become severe after the systems reached the melting temperature. The different systems showed different sintering rate.

  • articleNo Access

    The coalescence of Cu nanoparticles with different interfacial lattice structures: A molecular dynamics study

    With the popularization of 3D printing technology, micro/nanoparticles sintering technology has drawn lots of attentions all over the world. Here, molecular dynamic simulation is employed to discuss the effects of different interfacial lattice structures, different diameter of nanoparticles, and different heating rates on the coalescence of metallic Cu nanoparticles. The results showed that the diameter of nanoparticles determine the melting point of the system. Besides, the interfacial lattice structure, diameter of nanoparticles, and heating rate have an influence on the initial sintering temperature. This is because the melting point is the inherent property of material which relies on the mass of substance. However, the initial sintering temperature is sensitive to many factors, including the temperature, interfacial, and intermolecular interactions.