The five earlier chapters introduced the basic foundation (co-existence of order and complexity, sensitive dependence on initial conditions, complexity <=> presence of in-determinism and unpredictability, necessities to change, the intelligence paradigmatic shift, structural reform, complex adaptive systems and dynamic, and some other fundamental and critical properties/characteristics involved) of the complexity theory and intelligent organization (IO) theory. This chapter introduces the global/holistic complexity-intelligence strategy (with two macro-paths) of the IO theory (although, some sub-strategies/models have been mentioned or partially analyzed in earlier chapters). The new strategy attempts to provide more comprehensive linkages and coverage on some specialized aspects indicating that human organizations must be led and managed differently in the current context because of high complexity density. In this chapter, three sub-strategies of the holistic complexity-intelligence strategy that is vital for nurturing highly intelligent human organizations (iCAS) are examined. They are namely, organizing around intelligence, nurturing an intelligent biotic macro-structure, and the integrated deliberate and emergent strategy.
The intelligence/conscious-centricity aspect begins with a deeper analysis on human level intelligence and consciousness, complexity, collective intelligence, org-consciousness and their associated dynamics relative to that of some other biological species (swarm intelligence), as well as other physical complex adaptive systems (CAS) characteristics. It has been observed that human interconnectivity, interdependency, selforganizing communications, truthful engagement, complex networks, collective intelligence, orgmindfulness, orgmind, and emergence can be significantly dissimilar. The four different perspectives of organizing around intelligence are examined.
Next, the intelligent biotic macro-structure (introduced earlier in Chapters 3 to 4) that resembles a highly intelligent biological being, and is more effective at exploiting information processing and knowledge accumulation, and a smarter evolver are more deeply scrutinized. There exists a high synchrony between organizing around intelligence and the presence of a biotic macro-structure. Thus, the advantages and significance for intelligent human organizations to possess such an inherent biotic macro-structure to better exploit certain biological and complexity associated characteristics and dynamics (including intelligence-intelligence linkage, complexity-centricity, complexity-intelligence linkage, more efficient natural decision-making node, information processing capability, learning and adaptation, knowledge acquisition and creation, organizational neural network, artificial node, and structural and dynamical coherency) to compete more effectively and efficiently in the current ‘raplexity’ context is also illustrated. In addition, the uniqueness and roles of artificial information systems (artificial nodes) is further examined.
Finally, the integrated deliberate and emergent strategy is scrutinized with respect to its significant association with the co-existence of order (deliberate planning, determinism, completeness and predictability) and complexity (continuous nurturing processes, in-determinism, unpredictability, unknown unknowns, risk management, new opportunity, crisis management, self-transcending constructions, futuristic and emergence) — in particular, highlighting the criticality of the deliberate and emergent auto-switch (better ambidexterity). Currently, the holistic integrated smarter evolver and emergent strategist approach is absent in most human organizations.