In this paper, we have developed a wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometer microparticle-induced X-ray emission (WDX-μμ-PIXE) system combining a microbeam system with high spatial resolution and wavelength dispersive X-ray (WDX) spectrometry with high-energy resolution for chemical state mapping. A Von Hamos geometry was used for the WDX system to achieve higher detection efficiency and energy resolution. The system consists of a curved crystal and a CCD camera. The WDX system was installed in a newly developed microbeam system. The energy resolution of the WDX system was 0.67 eV for Si-Kα1Si-Kα1 (1740 eV). Si-Kα1,2Si-Kα1,2 and Si-KβSi-Kβ X-ray spectra from various Si compounds were measured and chemical shifts related to chemical states were clearly observed. The system was applied to the chemical state analysis of clay particles. After elemental mapping of the clay particles using a conventional μμ-PIXE system with a Si(Li) detector, particles to be analyzed were selected and analyzed sequentially with the WDX system. Si-KβSi-Kβ spectra from clay particles were obtained. The microscopic spatial distribution of elements and chemical state of the clay particles were sequentially measured with high energy and spatial resolution using a microbeam.