MALAYSIA — Veolia expands presence in East Malaysia.
SINGAPORE — Syneron Dental Lasers signs distribution agreement with Healthcare Solutions & Services Pte Ltd.
SINGAPORE — Fujitsu advances healthcare innovation in collaboration with National University of Singapore.
SINGAPORE — Clearbridge BioMedics makes a big impact at the 2012 Asian Innovation Awards.
SINGAPORE — TauRx Pharmaceuticals receives $111.8m commitment from Genting to prepare for Market Leadership in Alzheimer's.
THAILAND — Key Phase II HIV/HCV trial has commenced in Bangkok.
AUSTRALIA — Hatchtech mechanism of action data and safety study published.
AUSTRALIA — Power to you: carbon nanotube muscles are going strong.
EUROPE — GE Healthcare Life Sciences opens new £3 million laboratories for cell science.
EUROPE — AstraZeneca announces Phase III results from naloxegol pivotal trials.
EUROPE — ACADIA's pimavanserin sees Phase III success.
EUROPE — Big Pharma is doing more for access to medicine in developing countries.
EUROPE — CAVATAK™ bladder cancer – positive preliminary data.
EUROPE — Avita Medical initiates European trial in the management of chronic lower limb ulcers.
NORTH AMERICA — FEI unveils broad correlative microscopy solution set for cell biologists.
NORTH AMERICA — A single dose of Medicago's H5N1 VLP vaccine protects against additional pandemic flu strains in a preclinical study.
NORTH AMERICA — Biologics and stem cell research boost the cell culture market.