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The Collected Papers of Stephen Smale
The Collected Papers of Stephen Smale

In 3 Volumes
edited by F Cucker and R Wong
Fields Medallists' Lectures
Fields Medallists' Lectures

3th Edition
edited by Sir Michael Atiyah, Daniel Iagolnitzer and Chitat Chongx


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    We extend our analysis of the gauging of rigid symmetries in bosonic two-dimensional sigma models with Wess–Zumino terms in the action to the case of world-sheets with defects. A structure that permits a non-anomalous coupling of such sigma models to world-sheet gauge fields of arbitrary topology is analyzed, together with obstructions to its existence, and the classification of its inequivalent choices.

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    In this paper we describe how relativistic field theories containing defects are equivalent to a class of boundary field theories. As a consequence previously derived results for boundaries can be directly applied to defects, these results include reduction formulas, the Coleman–Thun mechanism and Cutcosky rules. For integrable theories the defect crossing unitarity equation can be derived and defect operator found. For a generic purely transmitting impurity we use the boundary bootstrap method to obtain solutions of the defect Yang–Baxter equation. The groundstate energy on the strip with defects is also calculated.

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    We perform canonical quantization of the WZW model with defects and permutation branes. We establish symplectomorphism between phase space of WZW model with N defects on cylinder and phase space of Chern–Simons theory on annulus times R with N Wilson lines, and between phase space of WZW model with N defects on strip and Chern–Simons theory on disk times R with N + 2 Wilson lines. We obtained also symplectomorphism between phase space of the N-fold product of the WZW model on strip with boundary conditions specified by permutation branes, and phase space of Chern–Simons theory on sphere times R with N holes and two Wilson lines.

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    Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we study the anisotropic charge transport properties of both supersymmetric and nonsupersymmetric matter fields on (2+1)-dimensional defects coupled to a (3+1)-dimensional formula "heat bath." We focus on the cases of a finite external background magnetic field, finite net charge density and finite mass and their combinations. In this context, we also discuss the limitations due to operator mixing that appears in a few situations and that we ignore in our analysis. At high frequencies, we discover a spectrum of quasiparticle resonances due to the magnetic field and finite density and at small frequencies, we perform a Drude-like expansion around the DC limit. Both of these regimes display many generic features and some features that we attribute to strong coupling, such as a minimum DC conductivity and an unusual behavior of the "cyclotron" and plasmon frequencies, which become related to the resonances found in the conformal case in an earlier paper. We further study the hydrodynamic regime and the relaxation properties, from which the system displays a set of different possible transitions to the collisionless regime. The mass dependence can be cast in two regimes: a generic relativistic behavior dominated by the UV and a nonlinear hydrodynamic behavior dominated by the IR. In the massless case, we furthermore extend earlier results from the literature to find an interesting selfduality under a transformation of the conductivity and the exchange of density and magnetic field.

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    In this paper, we analyze the Cardy–Lewellen equation in general diagonal model. We show that in these models it takes a simple form due to some general properties of conformal field theories, like pentagon equations and OPE associativity. This implies that the Cardy–Lewellen equation has a simple form also in nonrational diagonal models. We specialize our finding to the Liouville and Toda field theories. In particular, we prove that recently conjectured defects in Toda field theory indeed satisfy the cluster equation. We also derive the Cardy–Lewellen equation in all sl(n) Toda field theories and prove that the form of boundary states found recently in sl(3) Toda field theory holds in all sl(n) theories as well.

  • articleNo Access

    Geometry equilibration of crystalline defects in quantum and atomistic descriptions

    We develop a rigorous framework for modeling the geometry equilibration of crystalline defects. We formulate the equilibration of crystal defects as a variational problem on a discrete energy space and establish qualitatively sharp far-field decay estimates for the equilibrium configuration. This work extends [V. Ehrlacher, C. Ortner and A. Shapeev, Analysis of boundary conditions for crystal defect atomistic simulations, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.222 (2016) 1217–1268] by admitting infinite-range interaction which in particular includes some quantum chemistry based interatomic interactions.

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    Analysis of an atomistic model for anti-plane fracture

    We develop a model for an anti-plane crack defect posed on a square lattice under an interatomic pair-potential with nearest-neighbour interactions. In particular, we establish existence, local uniqueness and stability of solutions for small loading parameters and further prove qualitatively sharp far-field decay estimates. The latter requires establishing decay estimates for the corresponding lattice Green’s function, which are of independent interest.

  • articleNo Access

    On 2-dimensional Dijkgraaf-Witten theory with defects

    In this paper, we provide a construction of a state-sum model for finite gauge-group Dijkgraaf-Witten theory on surfaces with codimension 1 defects. The construction requires not only that the triangulation be subordinate to the filtration, but flag-like: each simplex of the triangulation is either disjoint from the defect curve, or intersects it in a closed face. The construction allows internal degrees of freedom in the defect curves by introducing a second gauge-group from which edges of the curve are labeled in the state-sum construction. Edges incident with the defect, but not lying in it, have states lying in a set with commuting actions of the two gauge-groups. We determine the appropriate generalizations of the 2-cocycles specifying twistings of defect-free 2D Dijkgraaf-Witten theory. Examples arising by restriction of group 2-cocycles, and constructed from characters of the 2-dimensional gauge group are presented.

  • articleNo Access

    A general state-sum construction of 2-dimensional topological quantum field theories with defects

    We derive a general state sum construction for 2D topological quantum field theories (TQFTs) with source defects on oriented curves, extending the state-sum construction from special symmetric Frobenius algebra for 2D TQFTs without defects (cf. Lauda and Pfeiffer [State-sum construction of two-dimensional open-closed topological quantum field theories, J. Knot Theory Ramifications16 (2007) 1121–1163, doi: 10.1142/S0218216507005725]). From the extended Pachner moves (Crane and Yetter [Moves on filtered PL manifolds and stratified PL spaces, arXiv:1404.3142]), we derive equations that we subsequently translate into string diagrams so that we can easily observe their properties. As in Dougherty, Park and Yetter [On 2-dimensional Dijkgraaf–Witten theory with defects, to appear in J. Knots Theory Ramifications], we require that triangulations be flaglike, meaning that each simplex of the triangulation is either disjoint from the defect curve, or intersects it in a closed face, and that the extended Pachner moves preserve flaglikeness.

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    Dijkgraaf–Witten type invariants of Seifert surfaces in 3-manifolds

    We introduce defects, with internal gauge symmetries, on a knot and Seifert surface to a knot into the combinatorial construction of finite gauge-group Dijkgraaf–Witten theory. The appropriate initial data for the construction are certain three object categories, with coefficients satisfying a partially degenerate cocycle condition.

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    We present an inverse scattering approach to defects in classical integrable field theories. Integrability is proved systematically by constructing the generating function of the infinite set of modified integrals of motion. The contribution of the defect to all orders is explicitely identified in terms of a defect matrix. The underlying geometric picture is that those defects correspond to Bäcklund transformations localized at a given point. A classification of defect matrices as well as the corresponding defect conditions is performed. The method is applied to a collection of well-known integrable models and previous results are recovered (and extended) directly as special cases. Finally, a brief discussion of the classical r-matrix approach in this context shows the relation to inhomogeneous lattice models and the need to resort to lattice regularizations of integrable field theories with defects.

  • articleNo Access

    Continuously defective crystals with a prescribed dislocation density

    We analyze some aspects of the kinematic theory of non-uniformly defective elastic crystals. Concentrating on the problem of identifying continuous defective lattices possessing the given defectiveness, as defined by the dislocation density tensor, we investigate the relation between the dislocation density tensor and the Lie algebra of vector fields associated with a defective lattice.

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    Quantum holonomy based in a Kaluza–Klein description for defects in C60 fullerenes

    In this paper, we discuss a new way to get a quantum holonomy around topological defects in C60 fullerenes. For this, we use a Kaluza–Klein extra dimension approach. Furthermore, we discuss how an extra dimension could promote the formation of new freedom degrees which would open a discussion about a possible qubits computation.

  • articleFree Access

    Parameters Influencing the Fatigue Behavior of Ti6Al4V

    The fatigue strength of components is affected by loading and environmental conditions, their geometry, the material and the manufacturing process adopted for their production. As a consequence of local stress concentrations, fatigue cracks can propagate to failure from the defects created by the manufacturing processes or introduced during the service life, as occurs in impact-damage. Ti6Al4V titanium alloy is commonly used in the aeronautical sector and other engineering applications due to its high specific strength. The study of the fatigue behavior of Ti6Al4V is therefore critical for designing reliable and durable structures. The work reports a synthesis of the results present in the literature for the fatigue behavior of Ti6Al4V in inert and aggressive environments, in the presence of a deposited coating, in the case of impact-damage, when components are produced by additive manufacturing and in the absence of solution treatment and over-aging.

  • articleNo Access

    Numerical Analysis of the Structural Stability of Ideal (Defect-Free) and Structurally and Morphologically Degenerated Homogeneous, Linearly- and Angle-Adjoined Nanotubes and Cylindrical Fullerenes Under Axial Loading Using Finite Element Method

    We report on the structural stability of ideal (defect-free) and structurally and morphologically degenerate carbon nanotubes and nanotube junction systems under axial loading based on the finite element method. We estimated the values for critical buckling load for uncapped and capped single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and linear and angle-adjoined SWCNT heterojunctions in ideal and structurally degenerate systems containing single-, double-, triple-, pinhole- and pentagon–heptagon (i.e., 5–7) structural defects and also containing a substitutional nitrogen (N) atom inclusion under compressive loading. Absolute atomic vacancy (defect) concentration in studied SWCNTs models was assumed to be nil for ideal systems, and was up to 3.0 at.% for structurally and morphologically degenerate systems. It was found that all types of structural defects and the morphological N-defect had reduced the load carrying capacity and mechanical strength in all SWCNT systems studied. The SWCNT models containing physically large vacant sites, such as triple- and pinhole-defects, displayed significantly lower critical load values compared to the systems that contained only a single-, double- or triple-vacancies. In addition, we found that capped SWCNTs performed marginally better in critical load carrying capacity compared to uncapped SWCNT systems. Furthermore, majority of the investigated structures displayed reduced load in SWCNTs with narrower tube widths, proportional to the size and the type of the defect investigated. The effects of chirality, such as zigzag- versus armchair-type, on the structural stability of the investigated SWCNT models were also investigated.

  • articleNo Access

    Fracture Criteria and Crack Initiation Mechanism of Material Based on Configurational Stress

    This study aims to build a new bridge between configurational stress/force and material fracture. The migrating control volume and thermodynamics are used to develop the Eshelby relation, and the relationship between the conservative integral in fracture mechanics and configurational stress/force for elastic or elastic-plastic materials is further clarified. Additionally, the configurational stresses, including circumferential configurational stress at the crack tip taking T-stress into consideration, are determined, and the J integral vector is then calculated further. The results indicate that J1 integral is path-independent while J2 is path-dependent when T-stress is considered. We preliminarily present the relationship between the configurational stress and crack initiation and the zero circumferential configurational stress fracture criterion (ZCCS) is proposed based on the local properties of the crack-tip configurational stress tensor and fracture mechanics. To estimate the fracture loads, we also develop two fracture criteria based on the critical area of crack-tip plastic zone determined by the Mises configurational stress (MCSPA) and the principal configurational stress difference (PCSDPA), respectively. It is found that the initiation angle assessed by the ZCCS fracture criterion is in good agreement with that by both the MTS fracture criterion and experimental observations, as well as T stresses could affect the initiation angles for mixed-mode cracks under tension-shear loads. Furthermore, the fracture loads evaluated by the MCSPA and PCSDPA fracture criteria are consistent with that by both the MTS fracture criterion and experimental results. Finally, the initiation angles determined based on the characteristics of crack-tip plastic zone by configurational stress coincide with that by MTS and ZCCS fracture criteria.

  • articleNo Access

    Vibration analysis of defective graphene based on the molecular structural mechanics method

    A molecular structural mechanics method has been implemented to investigate the vibrational characteristics of single-layer graphene (SLG) with defects. By adopting the lumped mass unit to replace carbon atoms, and the beam element with circular cross-section to mimic C–C covalent bonds, SLG is modeled as a space framework. The simulation results show that the chirality almost has no effect on the natural frequency and the vibration mode of SLG, while boundary conditions have great influences. The influences of defects with different number and location on the natural frequencies are also studied. It is concluded that vibration mode is insensitive to the vacancy defect, small hole and short flaw, but large holes and long flaws can affect the vibration characteristics. So the graphene sheet even with small defect effects might be selected as the nanosensor material as well as pristine graphene. The conclusions in this paper may provide some references for the design of nanosensor.

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    A symbolic calculus named as the R-calculus is built to revise the defects of axiomatic systems mechanically when some counterexamples are found. The R-calculus consists of the rules of logical connective symbols and logical quantifier symbols of first order languages. The concept of reachability, soundness and completeness of the R-calculus are introduced. The basic theorem of software testing based on the R-calculus is also introduced to help mechanizing model checking.

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    Changes of field variables may lead to multivalued fields which do not satisfy the Schwarz integrability conditions. Their quantum field theory needs special care as is illustrated here in applications to superfluid and superconducting phase transitions. Extending the notions that first qantization governs fluctuating orbits while second quantization deals with fluctuating field, the theory of multivalued fields may be considered as a theory of third quantization. The lecture is an introduction to my new book on this subject.

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    An interpretation of the gauge anomaly of the two-dimensional multi-phase σ-model is presented in terms of an obstruction to the existence of a topological defect network implementing a local trivialisation of the gauged σ-model.