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We answer a question of Slaman and Steel by showing that a version of Martin’s conjecture holds for all regressive functions on the hyperarithmetic degrees. A key step in our proof, which may have applications to other cases of Martin’s conjecture, consists of showing that we can always reduce to the case of a continuous function.
We show that in the ℙmax extension of a certain Chang-type model of determinacy, if κ∈{ω1,ω2,ω3}, then the restriction of the club filter on κ∩ Cof(ω) to HOD is an ultrafilter in HOD. This answers Question 4.11 of [O. Ben-Neria and Y. Hayut, On ω-strongly measurable cardinals, Forum Math. Sigma11 (2023) e19].
We study the notion of 𝒥-MAD families where 𝒥 is a Borel ideal on ω. We show that if 𝒥 is any finite or countably iterated Fubini product of the ideal of finite sets Fin, then there are no analytic infinite 𝒥-MAD families, and assuming Projective Determinacy and Dependent Choice there are no infinite projective 𝒥-MAD families; and under the full Axiom of Determinacy +V=L(ℝ) or under AD+ there are no infinite 𝒥-mad families. Similar results are obtained in Solovay’s model. These results apply in particular to the ideal Fin, which corresponds to the classical notion of MAD families, as well as to the ideal Fin⊗Fin. The proofs combine ideas from invariant descriptive set theory and forcing.
We introduce the notion of (Γ,E)-determinacy for Γ a pointclass and E an equivalence relation on a Polish space X. A case of particular interest is the case when E=EG is the (left) shift-action of G on SG where S=2={0,1} or S=ω. We show that for all shift actions by countable groups G, and any “reasonable” pointclass Γ, that (Γ,EG)-determinacy implies Γ-determinacy. We also prove a corresponding result when E is a subshift of finite type of the shift map on 2ℤ.
Assume ZF+AD. If 𝜖 is an ordinal and X is a set of ordinals, then [X]𝜖∗ is the collection of order-preserving functions f:𝜖→X which have uniform cofinality ω and discontinuous everywhere. The weak partition properties on ω1 and ω2 yield partition measures on [ω1]𝜖∗ when 𝜖<ω1 and [ω2]𝜖∗ when 𝜖<ω2. The following almost everywhere continuity properties for functions on partition spaces with respect to these partition measures will be shown. For every 𝜖<ω1 and function Φ:[ω1]𝜖→ω1, there is a club C⊆ω1 and a ζ<𝜖 so that for all f,g∈[C]𝜖∗, if f↾ζ=g↾ζ and sup(f)=sup(g), then Φ(f)=Φ(g). For every 𝜖<ω2 and function Φ:[ω2]𝜖→ω2, there is an ω-club C⊆ω2 and a ζ<𝜖 so that for all f,g∈[C]𝜖∗, if f↾ζ=g↾ζ and sup(f)=sup(g), then Φ(f)=Φ(g). The previous two continuity results will be used to distinguish the cardinalities of some important subsets of 𝒫(ω2):|[ω1]ω|<|[ω1]<ω1|. |[ω2]ω|<|[ω2]<ω1|<|[ω2]ω1|<|[ω2]<ω2|. ¬(|[ω1]<ω1|≤|[ω2]ω|). ¬(|[ω1]ω1|≤|[ω2]<ω1|). It will also be shown that [ω1]ω has the Jónsson property: For every Φ:<ω([ω1]ω)→[ω1]ω, there is an X⊆[ω1]ω with |X|=|[ω1]ω| so that Φ[<ωX]≠[ω1]ω.